Wednesday, February 10, 2016

2016-02-11 WBKV Talking Points

Today I want to talk only (or mainly) about modern malware and how it gets in our computers.

Pull up this web page and you have the detailed blueprint for today's talk.

The 10 worst offenders are (IMHO #1 is by far the worst one):
  1. Download portals
  2. Fake updates (e.g. Java, Adobe Flash, Yahoo!) 
  3. Installer programs (mainly from download portals)
  4. PuPs downloading and installing more PuPs
  5. Express installation (expressway to an infected computer)
  6. Custom Install abused with confusing EULAs
  7. Home page and search provider changed
  8. Forced install (e.g. Inbox Toolbar)
  9. Other people(!) using your computer (visitors, relatives)
  10. Researching PuPs; do it ONLY in a virtual machine! 

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