What a monster of an expression! Such stuff normally turns me off almost immediately.
But thanks to my daily work I know how hugely important it is to educate the public about the very real dangers and risks on the and from the Internet. The lack of even most basic understanding and some reluctance to learn that I encounter are again and again baffling me.
One of the best ways to stay safe on the Internet to be informed; the following seems to be an excellent opportunity to catch up on know how.
There is an organization called the Internet Storm Center out there; it “provides a free analysis and warning service . . . and is actively working . . . to fight back against the most malicious attackers.”
Every single day during the month of October they will post materials to an astounding wide variety of computer and Internet security related issues in understandable terms; in their words: “It's a non-technical, people friendly line-up . . .”.
You can get an easy overview about what they offer here.
The first entry titled Securing the Family PC is here.
Keep reading!
As usual I welcome comments and suggestions right here in the blog. Thank you in advance.
Click here for a categorized Table Of Contents.
I have Microsoft essentials, easy to down load I followed your directions.
Question: The Icon remains yellow, telling me to update. No matter how often i update it remains yellow.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I have encountered a few instances of similar issues but so far on WinXP only. One of the following usually did the trick:
1. Did you restart the computer?
2. Is your Internet connection at least DSL or better speed?
3. Have you manually done a Windows Update?
4. If all the above fails: Microsoft gives FREE support for update issues!
I hope this helps.
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