Friday, February 12, 2010

About Adobe Reader

I am getting too many emails with the same questions about Adobe Reader and/or PDF files.

Since December 2008 I have written several times about issues surrounding Adobe Reader. Here are all three articles referenced chronologically:

First article December 2008: What PDF Reader?
2nd. article June 2009: PDF Files on the Web
Recently I added a rant about Adobe’s incredibly brazen attempts to disown you and me of our computers:

3rd. article January 2010: Adobe, again it’s Adobe - Shun Their Reader!

If all the above is not sufficient to help you accept the workaround I outlined in the 2nd. article then I really don't know how to help. Go the “easy route” and re-install Adobe Reader again. I will gladly come back to clean up your computer when it is in a mess again.

As usual I welcome comments and suggestions right here in the blog. Thank you in advance.

Click here for a categorized Table Of Contents.

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