All users now running computers with Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (NO mention of Windows 8!) can via Windows Update download and install Windows 10 for free! Users still running Windows 8: You better update to 8.1 NOW!
Users now running Windows 7 or 8.1 Home Premium will upgrade to Windows 10 Home.
Users now running Windows 7 or 8.1 Professional will upgrade to Windows 10 Pro.
This blog is for my customers; all of them are home or small business users and that is why I will not talk about the "corporate" versions; only companies with "Volume License" contracts can get them anyway.
Quote from the original Microsoft blog post (emphasis from me):
"... once a qualified Windows device is upgraded to Windows 10, we will continue to keep it up to date for the supported lifetime of the device, keeping it more secure, and introducing new features and functionality over time – for no additional charge."That IMHO clears the "confusion" about pricing.
If you upgrade a Windows 7 system to Windows 10 you can use it until January 2020 when Microsoft will terminate support for Win 7.
If you upgrade a Windows 8.1 system to Windows 10 you can use it until January 2023 when Microsoft will terminate support for Win 8.1.
And what happens to an upgraded system after January 2020/2023? No mention and maybe Microsoft does not yet know themselves.
This IMHO is a true change in Microsoft's attitude and I welcome it.
I will keep reporting once the first experiences with upgrades to Win 10 become know.
A recommendation for my customers: Don't rush it, wait a bit.
If your Win7 or 8.1 system is running great and smoothly there is IMHO no compelling reason to upgrade to Windows 10. For my "typical" home users Win 10 just does not contain technical advances that justify the potential risks of such major change to a computer system.
As usual I welcome suggestions and comments right here in the blog.
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